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The world's most practical PC.
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Why Buy a Silver Bullet PC?

Our engineering goals all revolve around one thing: maximizing net utility value. This is a much bigger challenge than the other approaches, and results in a lot of changes that benefit the consumer.

  • full desktop performance on-the-go
  • cutting edge modern PC
  • extremely small and versatile
  • no need to clone work through cloud before each trip (take your work with you)
  • multiple environments (our temperature control system automatically adjusts to suit changing environments with or without a fan)
  • completely silent (optional external fan)
  • lasts longer
  • no dirt and grime build-up
  • true airgap potential
  • completely lock down operating system at a specific version (optionally stop all updating using our Hybrid OS Technology)
  • makes use of the Segregate and Reset Security Methodology (SRSM) to make PC 1000x more secure
  • includes segregated Whonix enforced Tor connection to anonymise IP and DNS (also used by famous on-the-run whistle blower Edward Snowden)
  • optionally connect using milder privacy tools such as Quad9, includes DNSSEC validation, malware blocking, ECS, and more
  • all of the above and much more wrapped up into one easy-to-use system that spells: p r o d u c t i v i t y
  • take back your control!

It is both very fast, and it is designed with built-in solutions to the top three PC bottlenecks. These bottlenecks cause other PC's to get slower over time.

Intel's Raptor Lake platform makes possible the most effective and affordable solutions to those bottlenecks.

But there's a lot more to what makes a PC practical than just speed.

One of the more common PC product optimizations is to pack in the most features for the money. And this is generally fairly easy to sell, because it makes some sense. But what tends to sink in after it's too late is that their PC's take 10-15 times as much space as necessary. And they require servicing, include planned obsolescence, and they accumulate large volumes of dust.

At Silver Bullet PC we instead look at what the average consumer does every day, and consider these objectives the most important. We use weighted consumer objectives to find the utmost sweet-spot-compromise, or Silver Bullet PC design.

The result is our Unified-PC, with an expected lifespan of 20 years, and designed for nearly all uses in nearly all markets. Markets include: home, office, travel, business, entertainment, games, education, scientific, commercial, industrial, machine control, and servers.

Silver Bullet PC does not participate in market segmentation, planned obsolescence, or any other deceptive marketing practice.

Our Unified-PC makes use of cutting edge Intel Core CPU's, and therefore requires a cutting edge operating system. However, during checkout you may optionally select our Hybrid Operating System, which combines Ubuntu with just about any outdated PC operating system. (For example: you can use Windows 7 or XP forever, if you select our Hybrid OS.)

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