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Armageddon Survival Kit

Coming soon...

Back in the 1970's Dr. Kenley Snyder started digging beneath his home in the Pacific Northwest, ultimately producing a 4 story deep bunker with up to 3 foot thick steel reinforced concrete walls and ceilings, to survive what he believed to be an inevitable world war three in our near future. The History Channel featured his creation in episode #2 of the Secret Passages of the Cold War series.

His project was previously made public through the Journal of Civil Defense and other publications.

Our Armageddon Survival Kit will include his manual on how to prepare for and survive Armageddon (his final revision as-is before his untimely death in 1999). Though some of the information is out-of-date, a majority of his research will likely always hold value to anyone wishing to survive.

We are developing a led lined box. You use it to store delicate spare electronics. It fits up to 5 Unified PC's, and/or spare power supplies and inverters, and/or M-Disk drives, and a tray where you can place backup discs, papers, and USB sticks. It is best to bury this box at least 15 feet underground in a place that you can find later. The box is corrosion resistant, radiation resistant, and water proof. Then after all the nukes and other disasters start to subside, dig it up. The chances that these electronics will work are many times greater. Use these spare electronics to replace other electronics as needed during Armageddon.

We might include a poster of Dr. Kenley Snyder with his original 1970's prepper beard, thick glasses, holding his shovel, pausing briefly for pictures deep under ground.

We will attempt to obtain reproduction rights to some of the video footage, to include in the kit. (crossing our fingers)

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