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The world's most practical PC.
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Highest-Value Strategy

Technologies follow a 7-step progression.

  1. cutting edge
  2. critical improvements
  3. substantial price drops
  4. highest-value
  5. low-end
  6. outdated
  7. obsolete

What matters most to everyday uses are things like: compatibility, ease-of-use, stability, performance, responsiveness, security, heat management, durability, low maintenance, low footprint, uniformity, and portability.

And very important to most users is the concept "set it and leave it", yet most developers can't get their products to this level, or they intentionally avoid it to make more money.

We have reengineered the PC to optimize real consumer objectives affecting net utility value. This includes dismantling as many marketer deceptions that we can, including market segmentation, hype features, planned obsolescense, toll features, and aftermarket manipulation. We push more towards cutting edge only where necessary to consumer objectives that are not yet fully optimized (such as the need for sustainable high performance). Then we settle on the highest value parts for everything else, to lower its cost.

Several shifts in thinking add more value yet.

These design decisions result in a PC that is more practical.

Most marketers approach this in an inverse fashion: bundling software that you'll never use into a PC that takes 10-15 times the space, is noisy, requires air flow that builds up layers of dirt and grime, requires servicing, and includes planned obsolescence.

We present: the Unified-PC. The power of a large high performance desktop PC shrunk down to just over an inch in size, and fully optimized for net utility value based on real consumer objectives.

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